


Clarkson’s research frequently explores how innovation can fuel sustainability, 包括保护自然资源, 生境与人类健康. 通过K-12和公共项目和研究, the 比肯河流研究所 and 河口 focuses on uncovering solutions that protect and maintain estuaries and freshwater ecosystems in the Hudson Valley and throughout the state of New York.

At the same time, the Beacon campus serves as a hub for our environmental-focused efforts. 编程 and events attempt to influence or advance public policy to limit human impact on our world, increase public awareness around these issues and train the next generation of creative- and sustainability-minded STEM professionals.


10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Brigette Walsh:  bwalsh@bmzolcz.com


The 比肯河流研究所 and 河口 is Clarkson’s Hudson Valley campus. 位于比肯的丹宁斯点, NY, 校园的概念是在2000年提出的, 三年后选定了这个地点. 今天, this state-of-the-art technical facility just north of New York City serves as an introduction to the surrounding park and as a research institute striving to develop more sustainable water solutions that preserve estuaries and other freshwater ecosystems in the state and beyond. This mission is achieved through the efforts of our faculty and staff and K-12 and public programming.


The Beacon Institute aims to draw awareness to issues involving estuaries and freshwater ecosystems through community-focused science, user-inspired research and development and broader education. Collaboration and innovation shape each aspect of our mission.


在思考esball国际平台客户端更广泛的影响时, the 比肯河流研究所 and 河口 strives to provide inclusive environmental education to the community to increase awareness of freshwater-related sustainability issues and provide a unique discovery-centric environment for students of diverse backgrounds.


Our faculty and staff bring diverse specialties as they engage in groundbreaking interdisciplinary research centered on developing solutions for preserving estuaries and ecosystems that influence the Institute’s K-12 programming.


编程 through the Beacon Institute focuses on transformative experiences that incorporate community engagement, 批判性思维和社会情感学习.


向公众开放, STEAM编程实践, 徒步旅行, exploratory activities and art exhibits open the door to the Hudson River Valley’s ecosystem. 编程 is held during the school year and summer months.


Grow as an educator and think about how you can better engage your students while taking in the region’s natural beauty.


比肯研究所的研究团队, 科学家们, educators and policy influences takes a data-driven approach to examine the relationship between communities, 生境与生态系统. These discoveries not only expand what we know about rivers and estuaries but further benefit sustainability, 公共卫生和经济发展努力.


Clarkson’s Summer Program for Early College Science (SPECS) is for students in grades 9-12 interested in environmental science. SPECS students engage in a one-week intensive pursuing ecology fieldwork in the Hudson River watershed and 丹宁点 State Park at Clarkson’s Beacon Campus.



Get to Know the 比肯河流研究所 and 河口

Explore the grounds, facilities and programming available through the Beacon Institute.


Clarkson offers students the opportunity to intern at the Beacon Institute over the summer months. 获得第一手资料,了解将要发生的事情.


The 比肯河流与河口研究所 continues to grow, updating our facilities for research and programming purposes.

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The Beacon Institute intends this new world-class facility to advance our research and academic efforts, encourage the next generation of STEM professionals and strengthen Clarkson’s industry and government partnerships.


纽约电力局能源公司 & Environmental 可持续性 Project will expand public access and educational opportunities, including through rehabilitating the 丹宁点 Road Bridge and improving the Shoreland Trail.


The 比肯河流研究所 and 河口 is roughly an hour north of Manhattan on the Hudson River. Learn more about the area, our current facilities and how to get here. 反映了esball国际平台客户端可持续发展的整体使命, 我们的设施已获得LEED金牌认证.


丹宁点 is a 64-acre peninsula located along the Hudson River and is part of the Hudson Highlands State Park. 几个世纪以来, this region has been home to prehistoric Native American populations, 1609年亨利·哈德逊来到这里, 进入20世纪, 曾是丹宁斯角砖厂的所在地. New York State took control of the land in 1988 to expand the Hudson Highlands State Park system, 现在的公园和步道网络总计超过6个,000英亩.


学院的滨水活动的核心, the WEC is part of Hudson Highlands State Park and serves as an entry point to the area’s walking and biking trails and archeological history. 2008年开业, the facility currently houses Clarkson’s public nature programming, policy events and summer science activities and functions as a visitor center for 丹宁点 State Park.


除了预定的节目, 公园和哈德逊河对划船开放, 皮划艇和远足. The surrounding region features a mix of urban and suburban development.


乘坐Metro-North铁路或开车进入该地区. 获取前往灯塔研究所的路线.




For inquiries about facilities, programming or volunteering, please email Brigette Walsh at BWalsh@bmzolcz.com.